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A Linguistic Overview of Ancient Mediterranean Cultures


Robert D. Morritt




          As Mycenean cities fell one after the other to some mysterious raiders, probably from the sea in the case of Pylos, at least, and maybe also in the case of the other cities.Crete fell into what is known as "The Dark Ages" for several hundred years. Literacy vanished, the population dispersed. Thereawere no longer any discernible culture for hundreds of years."The Dark Ages in the Mediterranean" is an insight into this mysterious era which has allowed varying postulations on what occurred to allow such advanced societies to dissapear in such an abrupt manner.In addition the earliest language from pictorial Linear 'A' to the development of Linear 'B' scripts from 'Stele' inscriptions at Lemnos, Praisos, Delos.Together with Eteocretan etan and Cypriotelinguistic script analysis. The invasion of northern tribes and 'Sea Peoples' affords us a closer look at this mysterious period.